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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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      <page pageid="1" ns="0" title="Main Page">
          <rev user="Troy" timestamp="2014-09-29T15:32:36Z" comment="" xml:space="preserve">Welcome to Sarge In Charge, which aims to chronicle the adventures of [[Big Damn Heroes]] in Tyr, the travels of [[The Hunted]] in [[Werl - Locations#Vanar|Vanar]] and more recently the crew of the [[Bulldogs-Virtus Campaign|Virtus]]. Use the navigation links to the left to head to each campaign, or alternatively use the search box in the top right corner.

&lt;!--&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:150%&quot;&gt;
[ '''Click Here For Pathfinder Campaign''']&lt;/span&gt;--&gt;

If you want to contribute to entries, first you'll need to have an account registered, contact Troy for this. Currently the information from the [ SargeInCharge.TiddlySpot] is being transferred over manually in the hopes of avoiding any strangeness, so some sections may be missing.

&lt;span style=&quot;color:#FF0000&quot;&gt;'''Looking for content that needs creating? Try the [[Special:WantedPages|Wanted Pages]] and [[Stub|Stubs]] sections or recent [[Werl - Story So Far|Story So Far]] entries.'''&lt;/span&gt;
* [[Story So Far]]

* [[Tyrus and The Tyrettes|Big Damn Heroes]]

* [[NPCs]]

* [[Deities]]

* [[Races]]

* [[Locations]]

* [[Magic Spells]]

* [[Magic Items]]

* [[Artifacts]]

* [[House Rules]]

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==Additional Links==
* [[The Table]]
